On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 07:04:55 -0500, Doug Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure this is the best place for this, but I think it's the best
> among the lists I'm on...
The best place would have been on the freebsd-ports mailing list.
> I just tried, with a fresh ports tree, to build gmake after having
> pkg_deleted it, and it failed because it couldn't find its own binary.
> I "fixed" this by editing work/*/Makefile to say "make=make" instead
> of "make=gmake," then doing (from the port top) "make", then in work/*
> renaming make (the generated binary) to gmake and doing cp -p gmake
> /usr/local/bin, and finally going to the port top again and doing
> "make install clean."
Did you do a "make configure" before you pkg_deleted gmake?  If you
did, then that might have been why the Makefile had a gmake in it.

Try building gmake again as follows:

cd /usr/ports/devel/gmake
make deinstall
make clean
make install

And let us know if that works.


PS. Moved to freebsd-ports mailing list.
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