
I have a Compaq Evo N620c laptop and at the moment I'm running 5.4-STABLE on it. But that doesn't go well :(

When booting with acpi enabled is totaly hangs after this:

acpi_cmbat1: battery initialization failed, giving up
acpi_acad0: acline initialization start
acpi_acad0: acline initialization done, tried 1 times

Then I have to power down the laptop and run fsck in single user mode, but also that go's wrong. After a minute or so it's spewing out this:

ad0: WARNING - READ_DMA interrupt was seen but timeout fired LBA=8765883

And that several times. I never comes out of this and again I have to power it down. With an old kernel 5.2.1 I can go in single user mode and run fsck on the disk.

When I boot with acpi disabled, everything seems to be okay and I can compile what I want, never a lock up.

I have attached 2 logs. In the first you can see what happens if I boot (verbose) with acpi enabled. The second log shows what happens when I go in single user mode.



Attachment: n620c_1.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: n620c_2.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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