
The Beastie menu makes it convenient choosing boot options.
The Beastie decorating space right to the menu reflects the
preference of the majority or all of the FreeBSD developers.
Their opinion is documented in
http://www.freebsd.org/copyright/daemon.html .

However there are users which have a different opinion and which
don't like the Beastie mascot to be displayed during boot time.

However there are users which have a different opinion and which
don't like the Beastie mascot to be displayed during boot time.

The question is: are such users
- welcome
- tolerated
- disliked.

In case they are more or less tolerated what should they do in order
to switch the Beastie splash screen?

- renounce of the Beastie menu (beastie_disable="YES") ?
- spend some hours to dig in mailing lists or dig in
  http://www.forth.org/tutorials.html ?
- or have an convenient flag in loaders.conf that allows to
  run Beastie menu but display some other decoration?

The patch 74577 offers a convenient flag to disable the display of
the Beastie while being compatible with the majority of the FreeBSD


There were talks that the FreeBSD logo will change anyway. But so
far this has not affected 5.4-RC1.

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