Aristedes Maniatis schrieb:

On 20/04/2005, at 6:05 AM, Scott Robbins wrote:

(And of course the obvious--DO NOT shut down the sshd daemon.)  :)

Ok, everyone who has NEVER ever made that mistake (or locked themself
out with a firewall rule, accidentally putting it into effect before
testing) raise their hand.  :)

Yes, that would be me. But someone taught me a great trick...the "at" command. So, just before you blow away your access with changes to ipfw, do this:

echo "ipfw add 1 pass all from any to any" at now +10 minutes

Then if all goes OK, use atq to remove the queue item. If not, wait 10 minutes...

Ari Maniatis

ish group
Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
phone +61 2 9550 5001   fax +61 2 9550 4001
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May I nominate you for some kind of award? That's just great!

*out for damaging his server*

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