On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 03:40, Bill Moran wrote:
> Pete French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > KVM requires you to physically _be_ at the colo.
> >
> > ?! Not the one I have for our colo - it's a little java app
> > where I choose a machine from a dropdown and get the video
> > in a window on the desktop.
> That's an out of the ordinary KVM.  Would you mind passing on the
> manufacturer of that unit, I'd like to recommend that unit to a number
> of clients/associates of mine.
> The point is that a normal, run of the mill KVM doesn't have that
> capability.

They're kind of expensive too :(
I know of 2 sellers of them in Australia

Rose Electronics makes the one DCW sell..

Although it seems there are plenty to choose from (eg Belkin, Cylades, Adder 

I haven't used any because they're too pricey :)
(Still since serial BIOS mobos are rare/expensive it's probably the cheaper 
option for a bunch of machines).

You could kernel debug over it except you couldn't cut and paste which would 
suck for reporting back traces.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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