On Mon, 2005-Apr-25 14:19:00 -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
>Actually, I have seen a similar problem on 5.x WRT OpenOffice ...
>0. OpenOffice hangs and cant' be killed
>1. Reboot system
>2. System claims all buffers flushed, then just hangs
>3. After hardbooting, filesystems need fscked

This sounds like the fault might be related to the deadlock I reported in

In my case, OO.org was definitely involved, and it appears to have
become unkillable before /usr locked up.  Two of the locks were:
- A shared lock on /usr/local/OpenOffice.org1.1.4/program/libpsp645fi.so
- /usr/local/OpenOffice.org1.1.4/program/pagein holding an exclusive
  lock on /usr/local/OpenOffice.org1.1.4/program and wanting an exclusive
  lock on /usr/local/OpenOffice.org1.1.4/program/libpsp645fi.so

I have no idea what "pagein" is supposed to do but I can't see any
good reason for it wanting to lock an OO.org shared library.

I have the crashdump lying around in case anyone can suggest somewhere to
look for the cause.

Peter Jeremy
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