On 5/12/2005 9:58 AM, Matthias Buelow wrote:
Jonathan Noack wrote:
What happens if the command is long enough to overrun the screen?  Is
the thread information truncated and lost?  I believe this was the
argument for making a separate column for the thread info.

How about leaving either SIZE or RES out, the one which makes less sense for typical use (probably SIZE which, afaik, is quite pointless in the presence of an overcomitting memory allocator, and the curious user could consult ps if he's really interested in that).

I think you will have a very hard time removing anything from top because someone will always pipe up and say, "I've been using <random_option> since the days when computers were measured in MILLIhertz... *shaking fist*" Why not add an option to switch between SIZE and RES? Perhaps 'M'?

Also, why aren't the interactive options sorted in the man page: h, q, d, m, n, s, S, k, r, u, o, e, i, t. Man pages are supposed to be *more* organized than my brain...

Jonathan Noack | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | OpenPGP: 0x991D8195

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