On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 12:14:35AM +0200, Bjarne Wichmann Petersen wrote:
> On Wednesday 25 May 2005 23:45, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> > On Wed, May 25, 2005 at 11:42:01PM +0200, Bjarne Wichmann Petersen wrote:
> > > I've had PREEMTION enabled in 5-STABLE for at couple of month and had the
> > > opposite experience. Eg. when clicking on a file in a fileselector (I'm
> > > using KDE) it would take 2-3 seconds before the file got highlighted.
> > > After disabling PREEMTION again responsetime seems to have improved.
> > Are you running 5.4-RELEASE or later?
> Later (5.4-STABLE).
> Hmm... did a little testing. Sometimes I *still* get "long" responsetimes 
> with 
> PREEMPTION disabled in a seemingly random order.

This kind of thing is very difficult to diagnose..your system might be
busy doing something else, KDE could be at fault, KDE could be swapped
out, etc.


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