31-May-2005 13:23:51.045 general: error: /usr/src/lib/bind/ dns/../../../contrib/bind9/lib/dns/adb.c:1439: unexpected error: 31-May-2005 13:23:51.045 general: error: isc_mutex_init failed in new_adbfind() 31-May-2005 13:23:51.891 general: error: /usr/src/lib/bind/ dns/../../../contrib/bind9/lib/dns/adb.c:1439: unexpected error: 31-May-2005 13:23:51.891 general: error: /usr/src/lib/bind/ dns/../../../contrib/bind9/lib/dns/adb.c:1439: unexpected error: 31-May-2005 13:23:51.891 general: error: isc_mutex_init failed in new_adbfind()

I'm seeing this on both FreeBSD 5.4-p1 and -STABLE, either named will hang around the 100 - 250M memory mark with top output like ...

last pid: 20483; load averages: 0.98, 0.67, 0.44 up 4+03:26:18 12:32:27
34 processes:  2 running, 32 sleeping
CPU states: % user, % nice, % system, % interrupt, % idle Mem: 237M Active, 150M Inact, 119M Wired, 24K Cache, 214M Buf, 1407M Free
Swap: 4096M Total, 4096M Free

PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE C TIME WCPU CPU COMMAND 19847 bind 20 0 232M 228M kserel 1 61:57 98.97% 98.97% named

As you can see plenty of memory free.

Or if I drop down the datasize and cache size then I get the above crash. Any ideas anyone ?



On 18/11/2004, at 1:09 PM, Doug White wrote:

On Fri, 12 Nov 2004, Michael Riexinger wrote:

i have freebsd 5.3-release with the base bind 9.3 (chrooted). It allows recursive queries. After few hours running, the server answers to every
query with SERVFAIL. Few minutes before, in the logs is this:

named: isc_mutex_init failed in new_adbfind()

After /etc/rc.d/named restart it's working fine for a couple of hours...
What could cause this problem?

Out of memory? Hitting memory limits?

The code appears to chuck the return code if its nonzero, which is pesky.
I suspect its ENOMEM, though.

How big is the named process when it starts malfunctioning?

Doug White                    |  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |  www.FreeBSD.org
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