Matthias Buelow wrote:

Maxi Combina wrote:
Hello, I am running freebsd 5.4, and every time I reboot, I get a
mesasge when the kernel is mounting the filesystems. It says that the
fs were not properly unmounted, and must chek them. Them main concern
is with my root partition. I also have en ext3 partition (which I
mount as ext2), and the kernel also complains about this ext3
The root partition is automatically checked, but the ext2 partition
not! I have to manually run fsck.ext2 and then reboot again...
I am _sure_ that I have rebooted in the right way. Well, at least with
`reboot' and `halt'. May be this is not the right way? Am I missing

This is a known issue; explicitly unmount the ext2/ext3 filesystem
before shutdown.

Is it possible to fix this issue? from the description it seems to me that the issue got worse since freebsd 5.3 (assuming Maxi's root partition is ufs2).

On a freebsd 5.3 box I am confronted with the ext2/ext3 issue as well, but it does not affect my root partition (ufs2).

While this issue is affecting me only temporarely (I am waiting for a new RAID subsystem to migrate the data from ext3 to ufs2 and kiss Linux goodbye), I think it is an unacceptable issue in a production grade operating system.

Thanks in advance to the knowledgeable person that will look into this and fix it.

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