On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 15:04:20 -0400
Charles Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jun 8, 2005, at 2:01 PM, Matthias Buelow wrote:
> >> Me too, but a lot has changed since 5.2.1 which at the time was
> >> I think
> >> was called a preview.  The topic is 5.4R.  What parts of the OS
> >> do you
> >> feel are not production ready as compared to 4.X ?
> >
> > I won't go into the details here; it has crashed and frozen on me
> > on several occasions, it behaves badly when you do things it does
> > not expect, like pulling a mounted USB stick,
> Yanking a mounted device out from under Unix has always been a no- 
> no.  It would be nice if FreeBSD handled this better, but this  
> problem falls into the "operator error: don't do that" category.
> > it doesn't have working software RAID (Ok, vinum never worked
> > properly but that's a different story),
> This is a valid point-- the migration to 5.x and gvinum has not
> been pretty, and there are some gotchas lurking when people try to
> deal with multi-terabyte RAID arrays, MBR vs GPT, and so forth.
> However, it's common to find half-decent hardware RAID
> functionality on many x86 and AMD64 motherboards, and PCI-based
> RAID cards are not very expensive.  I'd rather use RAID in hardware
> than software, myself, but if you think the current status of
> software RAID in 5.x isn't production ready, that strikes me as an
> understandable position to hold.
> > and it's performance is sub-par.
> 5.3 and earlier especially have struck me as being noticably
> slower than 4.10 or so, but there have been significant
> improvements since then, and 5.4 and 4.1x seem to be comparable.
> To do better than a broad generalization, however, you really need
> to pick some tasks and do real benchmarking to compare what is
> really going on.

Debugging and ect turned on was what did it on the ones before
releng_5_3. There where also some nice commits right after
releng_5_3. I noticed a nice jump when the last of debugging was
turned off and then again after a few commits hit nearly right after
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