Hello Scott,

i run into same Problem with Spamassassin and Perl v5.8.7.
After a backport to 5.8.6_2 all thins run fine.
I have no relly good reason found why the behavior is, but i have many 
hint's found
that say's that this is a generally io-problem with perl v5.8.7.

So that i have made a entry in my sup/refuse that i not running anymore into
that Problem

best regards


The other problem that will possibly affect more people is that
> SpamAssassin stopped working properly. This isn't a server, simply a
> workstation, using getmail and maildrop. I would get the following
> error
> Delivery error (command maildrop 65199 error (0, razor2 check skipped: No 
> such file or directory IO::Socket::INET: connect: Operation not permitted 
> ...propagated at 
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm line 447.))
> msg 1/1 (1422 bytes), delivery error (command maildrop 65199 error (0, 
> razor2 check skipped: No such file or directory IO::Socket::INET: connect: 
> Operation not permitted ...propagated at 
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/Dns.pm line 447.))
> 1 messages retrieved, 0 skipped
> Thinking that it was a simple perl thing and perhaps also connected with
> the libc.5 and 6, I first did a portupgrade -fRr of SpamAssassin. This
> didn't fix the problem. Eventually (and I don't have enough knowledge
> to know why this worked) I did another portupgrade -f of perl, then did
> a pkg_delete of SpamAssassin and all B and R deps save for perl. I then
> reinstalled SpamAssassin with the port reinstalling the deps. Then it
> worked.
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