
I would like to have RT running in a jailed environment. The challenge, it seems, will be to get sendmail running in the same jailed environment as RT and the other components. For those not so familiar with the components of RT, the jail would include apache1.3+modperl, MySQL, sendmail, and RT. That's a lot of stuff to get working in there! (but fortunately FreeBSD jails seem straightforward and easy) ^_^
        I expect sendmail to be the real problem of the above bunch.

Has anyone actually tried to do this with a big multi-part app like RT (I have not spotted anyone's documented attempts on Google) and would be willing to share to the list?

        Does anyone else wonder if I've lost it? (Don't answer that)...


John H. Nyhuis
Sr. Computer Specialist
Dept. of Pediatrics
HS RR349B, Box 356320
University of Washington
Desk: (206)-685-3884
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