If memory serves me right, Janet Sullivan wrote:

> I do think some mistakes were made with the release engineering over 
> 5.x's lifetime, but folks, what's done is done.  Recently things do seem 
> to be headed in a better direction, for which I'm thankful.

As one who "was there" for about half of the 5.X releases, I think we
did the best we knew how to do at the time, but if we knew then what we
know now, there are things we would have handled differently.  (The
details have been discussed extensively on the lists, by people who are
both more knowledgable and more eloquent than me.)

> I know the developers don't hear it often enough, but thanks for all you 
> do.  I'm not a programmer, and I currently don't have the funds to 
> donate to the project, but you do have my heartfelt thanks for still 
> turning out my favorite OS.

You're welcome, and I'm sure I speak for at least a few other developers
when I say that you'd be surprised how valuable a "donation" of a few
kind words can be.



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