So I had this "brilliant" idea that I was going to install FreeBSD on my new 
amd64 system using a 512MB flash drive since I didn't feel like digging out a CD-ROM. I 
ended up installing from CD anyway, but I thought I'd share my experience in case anyone 
else knows how to do this.

My first thought was to fdisk and newfs my flash drive to make it look like a bootable 
drive. I had successfully made a win98 boot "floppy" on a smaller flash drive 
so it seemed like a natural place to start. Surprisingly, that actually worked. I was 
able to boot from the device, but naturally there wasn't anything else on the device. So, 
then late at night when I wasn't thinking clearly I proceeded to do a make release with 
the intent of copying the release onto the flash drive. The next morning it occured to me 
that I probably could have just copied the files from an install CD. Oh well.

The drive booted fine and went into sysinstall and everything seemed to work in 
the normal fashion. However, I ran into a problem when it came time to select 
the installation media. Obviously I couldn't select the CDROM/DVDROM option 
(although I tried it anyway, just for kicks) so I tried to do an FTP install. 
Oddly, the network chip wasn't detected, even though it is recognized when 
booting from a CD. Perhaps there was something wrong with the release I had 

Determined to press on I tried the "install from existing file system" option, 
which I had never noticed before. That didn't work since I had no idea what path to give 
it, or even if the flash drive had been mounted. I suspected it hadn't been, so I 
proceeded to the emergency holographic shell, at which point I realized just how useless 
that feature is if you don't have a CD in the drive.

So I returned to the network install idea. Thinking that maybe I had built a bad release 
I decided to try copying from the disc1 iso. The iso is listed at 515MB which is almost 
small enough. The packages are about 70MB and they're not strictly necessary so I thought 
it would work. So I mounted the iso and proceeded to copy the files out, since iso's 
mount read only and I needed to delete stuff. To my surprise it turned into 1.1GB when 
copied onto a "real" filesystem. Obviously that's a problem.

The handbook (Section 2.13.1) says that the boot-only iso has everything needed 
to do a network install. So I downloaded that, mounted it and copied it to the 
flash disk. It boots and recognizes the NIC. Now I can do a network install. 
Finally. But that's a really slow way to do an install. There has to be some 
way to get sysinstall to install from a flash drive. Right?

So now I have questions...
How do I use a USB drive as installation media?
How do I get sysinstall to recognize the USB drive as a fixit disc/holographic 
How does an ISO manage a 50% compression ratio?

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