hey folks..
Im running on a compaq proliant dual 733Mhz computer with 1 gig o memory..
I was running 5.4-STABLE a few weeks ago with no problem.. I did a make world 
about a 
week ago, and now I see lots of messages in syslog..
Aug 22 17:20:40 monsterjam kernel: calcru: runtime went backwards from 77810370 
usec to 
321 usec for pid 48 (swi5: clock sio)
Aug 22 17:20:40 monsterjam kernel: calcru: runtime went backwards from 17036511 
usec to 
708 usec for pid 71 (schedcpu)
Aug 22 17:20:40 monsterjam kernel: calcru: runtime went backwards from 77810370 
usec to 
365 usec for pid 48 (swi5: clock sio)
Aug 22 17:20:40 monsterjam kernel: calcru: runtime went backwards from 17036511 
usec to 
708 usec for pid 71 (schedcpu)
Aug 22 17:20:40 monsterjam kernel: calcru: runtime went backwards from 77810370 
usec to 
463 usec for pid 48 (swi5: clock sio)

and I see 
but this info seems to only apply to 4.x.

Is this really a problem? how can I squelch it?

the other reason I ask is because ive had 2 HARD lockups since upgrading. I 
have since 
compiled a debugging kernel..

(in my kernel config)
makeoptions    DEBUG=-g
options         GDB
options         DDB
options         KDB
(this look right?)

I have a serial connection hooked up to this server and I cannot even break 
into the 
debugger when it hangs.


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