On 平成 17/08/29, at 12:30, C. Michailidis wrote:

I understand that the automatically generated values by sysinstall are the "dumbest" settings you can ask for... but auto-allocating a maximum of 256mb for the root, var, and tmp filesystems (even if you have an incredibly large slice in the 100's of GB) seems to be BEYOND dumb. Perhaps I've just pointed out that I am, in fact, beyond dumb, lol! ;-)

Anyway, If it's simply a matter of not having enough programming resources, I'd be more than happy to make the changes to sysinstall and offer the unified diffs. Just let me know your thoughts so that the changes may be relevant for all users.

I can sympathize. I've been caught by bad partition sizes.

But I never take the default sizes. In particular, I check the size of /var and its sub-partitions carefully. (Seems like nobody uses / tmp that heavily anymore, but /var/tmp gets hit a lot, and /var/log may need to be relatively huge, depending on what the system is doing, etc.)

A partition "wizard" (I hate that term, but you know what I mean.) that would coach new users and remind old users about the effects of freeBSD layout on partition sizes would, I'm sure, be welcome, if you want to take the trouble. Mind you, simple ruled apportionment would not be sufficient. We would like to have sets of rules, one for a pure web server, one for a basic home-user websurfing, e-mailing, letter-writing coffee-table-top, several for different kinds of firewalls and bridges, ...

And what about older disks, where cylinder sizes, number of reported heads, etc. were meaningful? No, that's probably not relevant except for RAIDs.

(As long as I'm making demands on your time, why not think big? ;^)

Anyway, it could be a useful project, but you'll want to recognize there's a lot of stuff hiding under the surface there.

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