J. T. Farmer wrote:
Chuck Swiger wrote:
Matthias Buelow wrote:
Yes, indeed, and I don't want to reopen that issue since that would
lead to no new insights (and since I don't have the time atm. to
contribute anything I couldn't provide any stuff myself).

Yet you seem willing to spend time discussing the matter...?

Matthias went on to say in a very simple manner by he thought
a quick note was warranted.  You don't agree.

I think this matter is documented now.

I think it could be documented elsewhere or in more detail if someone wanted to do so, but that involves someone pointing to a specific manpage or section of the handbook, and submitting language.

The people on freebsd-doc can help, deal with mdoc or Docbook formatting, etc.

Why don't the two of you talk about it in private email?

I am willing to end the discussion if there is nothing productive to say.

Matthias is right.

Matthias is right about what? My goodness, you also are aware of people talking about softupdates in comparison to journalled filesystems often?

It's been hashed out on the lists multiple times and
neither side is willing to change.

I've suggested a change to the sysctl's governing the syncer's timing, which ought to have a noticable impact on the issues Matthias has brought up. Feedback is welcome.

(I generally am happy to look into changes and see if they are improvements.)

At this point, it's become a "Did to!  Did not!  Did to...." argument
between children.  So like good children, go to your rooms and don't
bother Mommy...

You're awarded -1 karma for the patronizing tone.
Feel free to read other threads if you don't like what I have to say.


PS: Please refrain from stating my position for me, JT.
I'd be happier if you quoted what I said and disagreed honestly with it.

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