On 2005-09-17 at 06:45:51 Derek wrote:

>> P.S: I just tried 5.4-RELEASE on the same X41, and BTX crashes there
>> too... :(

> I've seen these identical systems on earlier versions, and documented as
> much as I could in:

> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=i386/72960

Actually, it's more like this PR, since I'm also using an external USB
DVD-RW drive:


Possibly the BIOS does something nasty (i.e. using protected mode) to
support booting off USB disks, which causes BTX' exceptions.

OTOH, neither OpenBSD's, nor several Linux distro's CD loaders seem to
have problems with it.

Last note: I've also tried the 6.0-BETA5 bootonly ISO, giving exactly
the same result.  So no FreeBSD on this laptop for me... :(

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