On Mon, Oct 31, 2005 at 10:50:38AM +1000, Joel Hatton wrote:
> I said:
> > 
> >     DHCP configuration - for some reason my machine didn't acquire a
> >     default route on boot, but rerunning the dhclient script after
> >     boot caused the interface to be set up again successfully. I
> >     haven't looked into this further yet, I'll repost if it is a
> >     repeatable problem.
> This issue is repeatable. Although I haven't had time to trace it further,
> I have worked out that if I configure my dhcp interface with an alias eg
> ifconfig_em0_alias0 a default route is not added; after commenting that
> line in /etc/rc.conf the route is ok again on reboot. I've tried
> alternating between commented/uncommented with consistent success/fail
> results so I guess this needs looking at.

Ah, that's they key. aliases don't work with dhclient at the moment for
most interfaces because the interfaces generate bogus link events when
aliases are modified.  We hope to fix this, but it's going to take some

-- Brooks

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