Pete French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > usually when I upgrade across major versions of BSD I wipe the whole
 > machine and re--install from scratch. But I understand that the move
 > to 6.0 from 5.4 is nowhere near such a big leap.
 > So I was wondering hether I could just do this from source without any
 > ill effects, as if I was upgrading 5.4->5.5.

That's exactly what I did.  I installed a new machine from
a 5.4-Release DVD-ROM, then updated to RELENG_5, and then
went to RELENG_6 from there.  The only special thing I had
to do was to manually rm -rf /usr/obj, otherwise the build-
world broke.

Of course you should do take the usual precautions, i.e.
have a reliable backup, read UPDATING, don't forget to run
mergemaster etc.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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