Pete French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > >       No, nothing outside the base system is required to build the base
 > > system. But don't nuke the ports before running cvsup :)
 > Heh, I have done that in the past, I have to admit :-) Also must
 > note that one should not remove ones login shell before changing back
 > to /bin/sh if one wants to be able to login again! :-)

That's why I always put a statically linked copy of my
favourite shell (zsh) in /bin, so I can even use it in
single-user mode.

Under some circumstances it can also be useful to have
an "emergency user" which is not dependant on anything
outside the base system (i.e. doesn't use anything from
/usr/local, doesn't have its home on an NFS volume,
doesn't has its account information on NIS etc.).  It
should be a member of the wheel group so it can do "su".

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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