> Something changed between versions - at first I thought the problem had
> something to with the lan card - or maybe compatibility between the lan
> card
> and the host system - but now I have a second lan card that produces the
> same problem - but ONLY with FreeBSD 6.0 release.

 [Mitch says:] Following up to my own post... I've just tried a single port
NIC in the PCI slot - that combination boots fine. But, as I mentioned
before, it doesn't seem to matter the chipset or PCI bridge chip (tried two
different ones) - it just seems to be that 6th network interface...

I don't have a dual port NIC readily available or I'd test that, but again,
it just seems to be related to this base board - BUT it worked in 5.4.

I deleted most of the original email from the followup - if there is someone
out there who can help me narrow this down, please referr to the earlier
message, or contact me or look at the problem report - if there's anything
else I can do to help debug, I'm more than willing (I really need this to
work) - please let me know... Thanks!


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