On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 02:16:24PM +0100, Holger Kipp wrote:
> Is there an easy way to name the devices a user might
> be allowed to access rw, without compromising the system?
> I don't want to give operator group to these users,
> and I don't want to blindly allow access to some 
> da- or pass-devices where I cannot determine the order
> of numbering easily.

One thing you could do is make the groups usb and cdrom and make them
the groups owning the relevant devices, e.g. by putting the following in

add path 'da*s*' mode 0660 group usb
add path 'uscanner*' mode 0660 group usb

The ownership for the CD-ROM devices should be set in /etc/devfs.conf:

# Give members of group cdrom access to the CD/DVD-ROM and DVD+RW via the
# SCSI interface
own     xpt0    root:cdrom
perm    xpt0    0660

own     cd0     root:cdrom
perm    cd0     0660
link    cd0     cdrom
link    cd0     dvd

own     pass0   root:cdrom
perm    pass0   0660

own     cd1     root:cdrom
perm    cd1     0660

own     pass1   root:cdrom
perm    pass1   0660

The user that must be able to use the CD-ROMs and scanner must be a
member of the appropriate group.

If that is not fine-grained enough, maybe ACLs might help. See setfacl(1).

R.F.Smith (http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/) Please send e-mail as plain text.
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