On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 03:20:25PM +1000, Paul Koch wrote:
> Hi, we are having a number of issues with 6.0-Release.
> Our setup: We have ~40 machines in a development test environment, 
> ranging from P5/150Mhz/32M ram/IDE,  PII Celerons, P3, P4, single and 
> dual processor setups.
> Issue 1: Can't install on a Pentium P5 class machine:
> The install panics when installing the base stuff. No useful messages 
> are displayed accept the "panic: page fault" and rebooting in 15 
> seconds. The machines are 10 year old DEC Pentiums, 32 to 64M ram, IDE 
> disks, etc. We have four of these in our test environment and appear to 
> install and run FreeBSD-5.4 fine.

Try disabling ACPI.  Many old systems have buggy ACPI implementations.
Sometimes this can be fixed by a BIOS upgrade.

> hints           "./device.hints"
> machine         i386
> cpu             I586_CPU
> cpu             I686_CPU
> ident           RNA_KERNEL
> options         SCHED_ULE

You probably want 4BSD, since ULE is slower on many workloads. 


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