On Wednesday, 23 November 2005 at 11:42:17 -0800, Gary Kline wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 08:19:07PM +0100, Bartosz Fabianowski wrote:
>>> Or, can the touch pads be disabled in the bios?
>> I have a Dell Inspiron 8600C, which only has a touch pad. ...
>> Of course, this is not a Thinkpad clone, but it is a very good laptop
>> nonetheless (especially the awesome 15.4" 1920x1200 screen).
>       That is *outsanding* resolution!!!  I'm looking at some real
>       good deals on ebay ...  think I'll check the Thinkpads.  See
>       if they've come down.  Like to find another one without XBill's
>       stuff.

This is one of the reasons I use Dell (the other is that I prefer them
to ThinkPads, the only other machines that support this resolution).
My machine has the 1920x1200 screen.  It's so much better than the
standard 1024x768 that you have to see it to understand.

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