On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 09:54:30PM +0100, Eirik ?verby wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I have found the culprit. There must be some sort of  
> difference between the machines after all (BIOS revision?), because  
> while on one machine the interrupt rate for the bge card stays very  
> low (2 to be exact) during maximum load, the other machine goes  
> beyond 1000 and keeps rising constantly. This might also explain why  
> performance slowly degrades over time on that machine, and response  
> times vary wildly, while the "fast" machine responds nicely within  
> 1-2 seconds no matter the load and testing time.
> I will have to investigate this more closely. Is there a way to force  
> the NIC to polling mode (I'm assuming that is the difference, an IRQ  
> rate of 2 is too low for a heavily loaded server if the NIC is  
> interrupt-driven)?
> Anything else I could look at?

BIOS update.


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