On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 03:39:04PM -0800, Ed wrote:
> For these reasons, I believe your technically unsupported assertion that 
> "This is nothing to do with the core team" should be shelved, pending 
> actual investigation of the phenomenon.

Peter's assertion is entirely correct.  You misunderstand the role of
the core team.  It has little to do with technical issues and nothing to
do with debugging specific problems in the normal course of things.

This problem should be fixed, but it's unlikely in the extreme that it's
a problem the core team would have anything to do with.  An individual
member might in fact be the one to fix it the problem, but that wouldn't
have anything to do with them being a core team member.

-- Brooks

Any statement of the form "X is the one, true Y" is FALSE.
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