On Wednesday 07 December 2005 19:22, Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:

> And scrolling does NOT work.

I found out this for releng_6 and appearently is the same on former versions 
since all call the same problem:

when you set in xorg.conf any other option as "Option Protocol auto" the 
scroll buttons are not working, doesn't matter which and how many buttons you 
configure and which of them you set in [Z|X]Axismapping

I need to say I have a NB with synaptics touchpad.

basicly setting

        Driver  "mouse"
        Identifier "touchpad"
        Option  "Device" "/dev/psm0"

        Option "Protocol" "PS/2"
        Option  "Protocol" "auto"

and the touchpad works as mouse, tapping, clicking tap+drag and double click 
as well as left and right button fuctions

but no scroll

using xev the 4,5,6 and 7 button are not even recognized so I guess the 
problem is on the PS/2 driver and not in Xorg

and it does not matter if I set

        Option  "Buttons" "7"
        Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
        Option  "XAxisMapping" "6 7"

then, when I set in loader.conf


the synaptics touchpad is probed and I can see it in dmesg but it still does 
not work as PS/2 protocol

Soon I set "Option Protocol auto" I get the 7 buttons and I can scroll up and 
down and left and right BUT I can not tap+drag anymore, to drag I need to 
press the phisical left button and the I can drag using the touchpad

Also it doesn't matter if I use moused and sysmouse in xorg.conf,only using 
the synaptic with sysmouse is very nervous and almost unusable, the pointer 
"runs around by itself almost"

even if configuring, the aditional buttons are dead, xev doesn't find them 

I guess PS/2 does not know more than 2 buttons and could perhaps emulate the 

probable PS/2 protocol/driver should be revised to get the additional buttons 


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