On Tuesday 13 December 2005 05:26 pm, Johny Mattsson wrote:
> On 12/14/05 06:44, [LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
> > 3)
> > There is one kind of thing I cannot do in /etc/devfs.rules,
> > creating links. So I am still doing this in /etc/devfs.conf
> > (links don't cause race conditions anyway, I hope).
> >
> > One would think that "link ttyU0 pilot" would simply be
> > translated to "ln -s /dev/ttyU0 /dev/pilot" which would simply
> > create the link and it would work as soon as a ttyU0 device (my
> > PDA) is there. But instead it checks weather the device exists
> > (of course it doesn't since I didn't press the hotsync button
> > during boot) and omits the creation of the link.
> Note that while for you it might be sufficient to have a hard coded
> link from /dev/pilot to /dev/ttyU0, that is not necessarily the
> case if you have multiple USB serial gadgets.
> The way I handled it is by using an entry in /etc/usbd.conf:
> #
> # Fixup permissions for Palm Handheld ucom devices
> # (set here and not in devfs.rules since we only want to apply
> # the change to Palm com ports, not all USB com ports)
> device "PalmHandheld"
>          devname "ucom[0-9]+"
>          vendor 0x0830
>          attach "/bin/chmod 0666 /dev/${DEVNAME} ; /bin/ln -s
> /dev/${DEVNAME} /dev/pilot"
>          detach "rm -f /dev/pilot
Roland already mentioned this point, but usbd and usbd.conf have been 
depreciated since 5.x.  They WILL be going away in CURRENT (usbd.conf 
no longer has any entries) once Ian gets a chance to review and 
commit the patches.  If you are in need of the release field for usb 
devices on 5.x or 6.x check out:

Anish Mistry

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