Chuck Swiger wrote:

Upgrading the ports from there was somewhat annoying, as this guy's machine had
~400 or so, but deleting them all, and then using "pkg_add -r " works just fine
if you want to grab the latest current binaries.  From there you can portupgrade
as usual.

Now, if you want to talk about upgrading to intermediate patch releases, you've
got a valid point there.  :-)

Doesn't creating a binary updates system that's going to be practical to use
require implementation of that old and exceedingly bikesheddable subject: 
up the base system?  After all, you're going to need some mechanism for auditing
servers down the line (yes, this machine has had the vital fix to the foo 
daemon applied), and while bumping the patch level on the release sorta works 
to do that,
it implies a new kernel and a reboot for each patch applied if it's going to be



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
                                                     Flat 3
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