
On Mon, Dec 19, 2005 at 01:01:34AM -0800, Jon Dama wrote:
> A very critical question here is the network topology.
> UDP NFS _cannot_ be used across switches where the ports are operating at
> different speeds--unless the UDP packet size is to be smaller than MTU.
> Be sure and verify that every link between the server and the client are
> operating at the same speed.

*ouch* shame on me.

I looked at interfaces, links, errors - everything. I found the problem 
in a misconfiguration and you just pointed at it:

The server has not been booted for a few hundred days before upgrading. 
>From an old test there was an "mtu 9000" for the NFS interface still in 
/etc/rc.conf (while it has been reset after failed tests with other 
hardware on that network manually to 1500).

So: SORRY for making everybody mad here. It was just me being blind.

Thanx for pointing me at that!

- Oliver

| Oliver Brandmueller | Offenbacher Str. 1  | Germany       D-14197 Berlin |
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