On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 12:05:46AM +0600, Maxim M. Kazachek wrote:
>                            After installation of Adaptec 19160 streamer 
> was seen by FreeBSD, then was configured under SCO. As far as I know it 
> works perfectly now.
        I have a Seagate DDS-4 sa0 mounted off of an Adapted 29320
   card, and that works fine.

        I have an Adaptec 2230SLP on the way, for use in an AMD-64
   configuration, and from the sounds of things, I am doing the
   right thing in planning to either migrate the 29320 forward or
   using the on-board (LSI) SCSI of the new board.

  "I like bad!"                         Bruce Burden    Austin, TX.
        - Thuganlitha
        The Power and the Prophet
        Robert Don Hughes

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