Yann Golanski wrote:
Quoth rihad on Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 10:25:59 +0400

Is there a security branch for the FreeBSD ports collection? Let's say,
I installed FreeBSD 6.0 together with all needed -RELEASE ports/packages
(i.e., those on the CD). Running security/portaudit after a while
reveals that some of the installed packages have vulnerabilities. Am I
on my own to go grab the fresh ports tree, and upgrade the affected
software, suffering all the intricacies of the move by myself? Debian
GNU/Linux has its security package updates, OpenBSD has a separately
maintained "errata" ports branch (it's very likely you still get to
download a newer release of the software, though).

Attached is a script I use to update my machines.  It works fine but
you need to understand what it does and not run it blindly.  DO NOT put
that in cron, there lies pain!

Otherwise, just run the script and it will update all your ports for
you. It'll even mail you with the updated ports.

[script snipped]

A very interesting script for its own purpose, but I'm afraid this doesn't answer my question at all. Perhaps seeing the way that e.g. Debian deals with the upgrade problem might shed some light on the issue. Hell, FreeBSD does exactly that for the base world+kernel, too! Not for the ports, though.
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