On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 10:55:58PM +0100, Juergen Lock wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 11:15:30PM +0100, Juergen Lock wrote:
> > I have this box that apparently no longer likes FreeBSD's cdboot,
> > it prints something about BOOT/LOADER and then just reboots.
> > Any ideas how to debug something like that?  The box already has
> > FreeBSD installed (5.3 with some patches), and i tried copying the
> > 6.0 kernel from disc1 and loading it manually at the loader prompt.
> > It hangs after printing (boot -v):
> >     GEOM: new disk ad0
> >     GEOM: new disk ad4
> > 
> > ad0 is on oboard pata (the board is a via kt400), ad4 is a single disk
> > on a Promise Fasttrack tx2200 sata controller.  I guess i could try
> > to build a 6.0 kernel with ddb, but what would i be looking for then
> > to find out why its hanging?  [...]

Nevermind, 6.0 boots now... (pilot error :)

 Leaving only the problem of the rebooting cdboot...
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