* Christoph Schug ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> IIRC I had the problem that 'gmirror insert' without '-h' not always
> inserted the slice specified by the entire block device (e.g.
> /dev/ad4s1 vs. /dev/ad4). Apparently there is some auto detection
> code and/or gmirror cannot differ correctly, but that's just a
> guess. Specifing '-h' fixed it in my case.

As I understand it, gmirror writes its metadata on the last sector of
the provider; when tasting devices it will look at the last sector of
ad4, find the metadata and use that as the provider for your mirror; you
can either hardcode the provider name there to override it, or make the
slice 1 sector smaller so gmirror tastes ad4, finds nothing, then goes
on to taste ad4s1 correctly.

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst
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