On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 03:57:57PM -0800, Eli K. Breen wrote:
> Is that behaviour actually documented anywhere?

Sort of.

The fact that rc.conf is an sh(1) script seems to be missing from
rc.conf(5).  Once you know that it's documented in the "Simple Commands"
section of the sh(1) manpage though the example could be explicit that
the empty string is a valid value.

-- Brooks

> -E-
> Mark Andrews wrote:
> >>in rc.conf:
> >>
> >>ifconfig_fxp0=         "inet <ip1>  netmask"
> >
> >
> >Which says execute the '"inet <ip1>  netmask"' command
> >with ifconfig_fxp0 envirioment variable set to the empty string.
> >
> >ifconfig_fxp0="inet <ip1>  netmask"
> >
> >is the correct syntax for setting ifconfig_fxp0 to
> >"inet <ip1>  netmask"
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