I'm failing to understand how getrusage() works, which is a bit perplexing,
because it doesn't seem like it would be terribly complicated.

I've attached the code.  My aim is to verify that I can use getrusage() to
do (admittedly crude) instrumentation of which functions in my program are
allocating lots of memory[1].  So I figure I can call getrusage() at various
points and look at the ru_maxrss member.

I'm confused because the results I'm getting don't make a great deal of
sense.  The attached program, when run 10 times one after the other,
produces the following output;

  before: 0, after: 1300
  before: 0, after: 0
  before: 0, after: 0
  before: 188, after: 188
  before: 0, after: 0
  before: 452, after: 452
  before: 0, after: 0
  before: 0, after: 1316
  before: 0, after: 0
  before: 0, after: 0

'before' is ru_maxrss before 'malloc(1024 * 1024)', 'after' is ru_maxrss afterwards. Different runs produce slightly different numbers -- the point is that they vary widely, and in some cases are '0' for both cases.

Those results don't look sane to me. From doing some googling it looks like there may be a delay between the process's resident set size increasing and the stats that getrusage() uses being updated.

If that's the case, can I (portably?) wait for the getrusage() stats to synchronise before I read them? If it's not the case, what am I doing wrong? Is there another (portable) mechanism I use to find out how big my process is?


[1] I'm actually instrumenting Perl applications, using Perl's built-in debugger, instrumenting at the Perl level, so solutions of the form "Use <this> profiling application" aren't going to be applicable. I'm using BSD::Resource, which wraps getrusage(), and odd results from that led me to this C test.
/* Call getrusage() before and after allocating 1MB of RAM, and see what
   the maxrss figure is */

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>

#include <stdio.h>

        struct rusage  ru;
        char          *ptr;
        int            rc;
        rc = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
        if(rc == -1) {
                perror("getrusage(): ");
                return 1;

        printf("before: %ld, ", ru.ru_maxrss);

        ptr = malloc(1024 * 1024);
        if(ptr == NULL) {
                perror("malloc(): ");
                return 1;
        memset(ptr, 0, 1024 * 1024); /* Zero-fill the memory */

        rc = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
        if(rc == -1) {
                perror("getrusage(): ");
                return 1;

        printf("after: %ld\n", ru.ru_maxrss);


        return 0;
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