On Thu, Mar 09, 2006 at 03:53:19AM +0000, Miguel Lopes Santos Ramos wrote:
> > Can you try to narrow down this problem some more?  e.g. look up the
> > port used by rpc.lockd with rpcinfo on client and server and tcpdump
> > to see what locking requests are being passed back and forth (you
> > should see the request from client -> server and the reply granting
> > the lock; or not if something is going wrong).  The ethereal port is
> > useful for parsing the tcpdump -w -s 0 traces, btw; it decodes the RPC
> > packets into human-readable form.
> In the meanwhile, since my last mail, I've had some trouble finding out
> the port that's used using rpcinfo. Using rpcinfo made me remember a few
> things about rpc (I used it only once, some 6 years ago). I've found out
> the right udp port by eliminating other options.

rpcinfo -p <client host|server host> | grep nlockmgr | grep udp

> Yes, I had also checked that earlier today. I don't know if I did something
> that could have caused this... I'm almost sure it worked on 6.0 (although not
> completely, because I only got this machine working with 6 recently, it had
> a problem with ehci). There's no doubt it was working with 5-something.

Yes, there probably were more changes since 5.x.


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