> Have you thought about putting up a page on the website where FreeBSD
> committers and core members can easily post news, such as this, in an
> informal and/or casual manner?... wiki, blog, etc.

Info of slippage should be by mail list, Wiki & Blog have draw backs:
  - Needs active monitoring, whereas once subscribed to a mail list one's
    interest in topics is registered & one gets info automatically,
    not just on polling.
  - Needs permanent net connection whereas Mail can be downloaded when on
    line & read off line while travelling on laptop, pda etc. Wlan
    is not global coverage, fast or free.

Julian Stacey.  Consultant Unix Net & Sys. Eng., Munich.  http://berklix.com
Mail in Ascii, HTML=spam.     Ihr Rauch = meine allergischen Kopfschmerzen.
freebsd-stable@freebsd.org mailing list
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