Paulo Fragoso wrote:


We have two bridges running FreeBSD 6.1-BETA1 and we have a lot of freezes in a week, it's happening when trafic is high, but it has ever happened when we was changing dev.ath.0.acktimeout.

There aren't dumps, all CPU is freezed, state of leds in kayboard doesn't change, only leds of wireless card (D-Link G520) are blinking. Some times is printed on console DMA erros of ad0 before system to freeze.

After cvsup src-all upgrade (2006-03-04) which had changed version of ath_hal from to and after we had changed bridge configuration from"..." to added device if_bridge, we can't get anymore freezes:

$ uptime
20:35  up 7 days,  4:38, 1 user, load averages: 0,03 0,03 0,00

Is there any problem with bridge ( or old ath_hal? We can't found any change.log about this problem.

Paulo Fragoso.

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