On Tuesday 04 April 2006 07:41, Christian Baer wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Apr 2006 22:10:12 -0400 Anish Mistry wrote:
> > Is there a ukbd in your dmesg?  If there is, I'd suggest
> > loading=20 kbdmux.
> Yes there is - but only the darn mouse. Not sure if I need a
> keyboard multiplexer, since I rather need to *ignore* this
> "keyboard".
Yes, that's the point.  Use kbdmux, that will allow your PS/2 keyboard 
to work with the "mouse" keyboard.  You can then run kbdcontrol to 
disable the mouse keyboard.

> > Currently there isn't support for mice that appear as uhid.  You
> > could=20 always just try pointing moused at the uhid device.
> Currently, I'm more worried about getting my PS/2 keyboard to work
> while the mouse is plugged in. I'll worry about the mouse and X
> later. :-)
See above.

Anish Mistry

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