Sorry, forgot to add the list into CC...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dennis Melentyev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 06.04.2006 16:12
Subject: Re: Disappointed
To: Alexey Karagodov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


2006/4/6, Alexey Karagodov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> hi.
> i think, this unstablity happaning just because developers trying to make
> two systems at one time, one is 6.0 and another 7.0 current and they
> supporting old version, lower then 6.0
> i want to ask developers, why you developing new system, 7.0, if you don't
> finish old, 6.0 ?!
> finish 6.0, make it work, and upgrade it to 7.0 and to 8.0 and to 9.0 and
> so
> on ...
> what so new and revolutionary in 7.0 in comparison with 6.0 ?!
> to use your system i must be a DEVELOPER, but i don't have so much time! i

'Must' is a toooo strong word. If they wish - they will. If you need you
have two options: do it yourself or pay some money to someone who can.
Period. Or have you paid them for that? :)
Just don't use any system in production without having it tested first. This
world is not perfect, and software is way less perfect than world. :)

don't want to develope! i want to use, i want to help you with some advise (
> e.g. what feature to add, what feature to change etc), i can and i want to
> share some of my hardware to feet your needs, make a mirror, make a test
> server/workstation/notebook/PDA etc. i'm not an freebsd developer. i'm
> just

That's great! That's your contribution to the project. Every one here
contribute whatever they can: money, hardware, code, PR, support.
But no one can say what someone must to do.

PS. Без обид?

Dennis Melentyev

Dennis Melentyev
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