[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Stephen Clark wrote:
[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Alexey Karagodov wrote:

i think, this unstablity happaning just because developers trying to
two systems at one time, one is 6.0 and another 7.0 current and they
supporting old version, lower then 6.0
i want to ask developers, why you developing new system, 7.0, if you
finish old, 6.0 ?!
finish 6.0, make it work, and upgrade it to 7.0 and to 8.0 and to 9.0
and so
on ...
what so new and revolutionary in 7.0 in comparison with 6.0 ?!
to use your system i must be a DEVELOPER, but i don't have so much
time! i
don't want to develope! i want to use, i want to help you with some
advise (
e.g. what feature to add, what feature to change etc), i can and i
want to
share some of my hardware to feet your needs, make a mirror, make a test
server/workstation/notebook/PDA etc. i'm not an freebsd developer.
i'm just
admin and a user.
your system is most greatest i ever seen. another wonderful system is
but your's is so unstable ...
All this is described in many places. It all comes down to this: if you
don't want to be a developer, JUST USE THE RELEASE BRANCH. That means
Releng_6_0 for now.

Stable only means compatible to previous versions of the same branch.
Not that the system is stable.

Who in their right mind would think that "stable" actually means

It does mean that the API is stable.

So that you can use a driver written for 6.0 on any 6.x build. And that
you can run software compiled for 6.0 on all following versions of the
6.x branch without a compatibility layer.

Then maybe it should be called api-stable!!
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