Mike Tancsa wrote:

At 09:32 AM 25/04/2006, Stephen Clark wrote:
Hello List,

I have to dualcore Athlon 64 4800+ systems. Initially I was running 4.9 on both of them an was able to get 54mbits thru direct connected realtek 10/100 cards as measured by nttcp.

I put stable on one of the system and now can on get 37mbits as measured by nttcp when going thru an ipsec tunnel.

Try first
sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.inflight.enable=0

If its still slower, try using FAST_IPSEC instead on the server. However, make sure you disable INET6


That increased it to 39mbits/sec. Still far from 54mbits/sec


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"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." (Thomas Jefferson)

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