On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 01:36:04PM -0400, Vinny Abello wrote:

> An Intel technical rep that gave a presentation on upcoming Intel VT 
> technology in processors (Virtualization Technology) that I attended 
> indicated that Hyperthreading was really designed to start getting 
> programmers to program threading into their applications in 
> preparation of dual core processors that we now have.

That sounds like an interesting interpretation of history :-)

> I typically disable Hyperthreading on all my servers as they are dual 
> processor or dual core/dual processor or better anyway. I tend to get 
> better results (with my applications) without Hyperthreading. I've 
> been experimenting with leaving it on with my workstation as it's not 
> a dual core or dual processor.

In my experience it's almost always a net loss too.  One should
measure for oneself though.


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