On 5/8/06, Doug Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Iantcho Vassilev wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I noticed such a problem:
> I have a 6.1 RC2

Step one should be to upgrade to the latest 6-stable, and run mergemaster.

I will do that in  the next couple of days because i did it 5 days ago..

and i have in rc.conf
> pf_enable="YES"
> pflogd_enable="YES"

I think you already corrected yourself to say that you have pflog_enable,
not pflogd_, correct?

I have pflog_enable from the beginning...in the list i made a mistake and
wrote pflogd..

but when the system boots i test with:
> pfctl -vs rules
> and there are not rules loaded.if i load them by hand there is no

When you say "load them by hand," what do you do exactly?

I mean: pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

then i made:
> rc_debug="YES"

Try adding rc_info=yes as well.

I have tried ..but nothing  new is showing...

and the first thing that i saw was: when pf_enable is after pflogd_enable
> it is not printed(checked)..

The order of the variables in your rc.conf file is not relevant.

> i put pf_load="YES" >> /boot/loader.conf
> and still the ruleset is NOT loaded on boot...

The rc system doesn't know anything about /boot/loader.conf.

I'm also interested in what happens if you add -v to the pf_flags. What
the permissions on /etc/pf.conf?

If i add pf_flags="-v" nothing happens..
The permissions are: 755



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