On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 02:28:55PM -0400, Howard Leadmon wrote:
>    Hello All, 
>  I have been running FBSD a long while, and actually running since the 5.x
> releases on the server I am having troubles with.   I basically have a small
> network and just use NIS/NFS to link my various FBSD and Solaris machines
> together.
>  This has all been running fine up till a few days ago, when all of a sudden
> NFS came to a crawl, and CPU usage so high the box appears to freeze almost.
> When I had 6.1-RC running all seemed well, then came the announcement for the
> official 6.1 release, so I did the cvs updates, made world, kernel, and ran
> mergemaster to get everything up to the 6.1 stable version.
>  Now after doing this, something is wrong with NFS.   It works, it will return
> information and open files, just it's very very slow, and while performing a
> request the CPU spike is astounding.  A simple du of my home directory can
> take minutes, and machine all but locks up if the request is done over NFS.
> Here is top snip:
>   497 root         1   4    0  1252K   780K -      2  50:42 188.48% nfsd
>  This is a nice IBM eServer with dual P4-XEON's and a couple GB or RAM on a
> disk array, and locally is screams, heck NFS used to scream till I updated.  I
> am not really sure what info would be useful in debugging, so won't post tons
> of misc junk in this eMail, but if anyone has any ideas as to how best to
> figure out and resolve this issue it would sure be appreicated...

Use tcpdump and related tools to find out what traffic is being sent.

Also verify that you did not change your system configuration in any
way: there have been no changes to NFS since the release, so it is
unclear why an update would cause the problem to suddenly occur.


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