Quoting Ion-Mihai IOnut Tetcu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Mon, 22 May 2006 11:40:16 +0200
Marian Hettwer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ports tree in the process, the end result is a bit more undefined.  One
> thing that I wish for is that the ports tree would branch for releases,
> and that those branches would get security updates.  I know that this
> would involve an exponentially larger amount of effort from the ports
> team, and I don't fault them for not doing it.  Still, it would be nice
> to have.

I have to agree on that statement. I would love to see branched ports.
This can get very important on servers, were you don't want to have
major upgrades, but only security updates.
I guess it's a question of manpower, hm?

With the maintainers/commiters/physical_resources we have now this is
Take a look at pav@'s PR stats page: http://www.oook.cz/bsd/prstats/
There are ~1000 new ports PRs per month. The PT Team has managed to
close about the same number per month (fewer during the freeze, of
Currently there are 551 open PRs. 238 in feedback state, etc.

Would a survey help? As in ask the ports team and FreeBSD
administrators? Maybe some will start to become port maintainer too,
just to support the increased work on ports due to branching them...
I would :)

There are ~4300 unmaintained ports. Maybe you could start maintaining
some of them _now_ ?

This brings up a point I have been wanting to bring up for over a mos.;
I adopted an "orphaned" port (contacted the owner, whom then relenquished
ownership to me.). But found it _more_ than difficult to discover how
to inform the fBSD port(s) system of it's new, *un*orphaned status.
I read through the online doc's about it. But got dizzy with the
circularness of it. Searching led to no _difinative_ answer(s) either.
Is it still send pr just to update it's status? Couldn't there be an
online form to change ownership/ stewardship? I *can* comprehend the
send pr system. I simply can't understand how to change/ update
ownership/ stewardship. Perhaps this is why so many of the orphaned
ports remain in this state.

--Chris H.

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
 "Intellectual Property" is   nowhere near as valuable   as "Intellect"

BOFH excuse #146:
Communications satellite used by the military for star wars

Shameless self-promotion follows...
... or does it?

FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p12 (SMP - 900x2) Tue Mar 7 19:37:23 PST 2006

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