Greg Rivers wrote:
> On Thursday 25 May 2006 19:43, Paul Allen wrote:
> > >From Jonathan Noack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Thu, May 25, 2006 at
> > > 07:56:07PM -0400: I am currently running with the following in
> > > /etc/rc.conf and haven't experienced any problems:
> > > tmpmfs_flags="-S -o async"
> >
> > Is there a way to accomplish this with an fstab entry?
> >
> > md  /tmp            mfs     rw,async,-s1024m,-S
> >
> > no,I don't think so.  But surely it would be better to just fixup the
> > standard mount -t path to not call mount_mfs...
> >
> Actually there is a way.  I too have not been satisfied with the tmpmfs 
> features in rc, so for some time now I've simply created a hard link:
>       cd /sbin && ln -f mdmfs mount_md
> and then used an entry like this in /etc/fstab:
>       md              /tmp            md      rw,async,-Sp1777,-s768M 0       > 0
> This works great for me.  A simple patch to mtree could make this hard link 
> part of the base system.  Nothing else is needed.

You should use the 'mfs' file system. This works out of the box:

md      /tmp    mfs     rw,-s256m,-S,-Otime,async,noatime  0       0

Ulrich Spoerlein
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Which is worse: ignorance or apathy?
Don't know. Don't care.

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